Langue anglaise


Usage familier des outils informatiques et des logiciels de bureautique et des outils en ligne
(Windows, Word, Google drive…). Connexion internet haut débit.


Toute personne ayant une activité commerciale avec ou sans expérience, en BtoC ou BtoB.
Toute personne désireuse d’apprendre les techniques de vente.

Durée :

10 heures de formation

3 999 €

Inscrivez vous dès maintenant

à propos du cours

Dans cette formation, vous pouvez apprendre et améliorer vos compétences en anglais grâce à notre cours de langue complet. Couvrir les bases des sujets avancés, maîtriser la communication pour la vie quotidienne, le travail et les études. Des leçons engageantes, des conseils d’experts et des simulations pratiques garantissent des progrès rapides. Améliorez les compétences en grammaire, en vocabulaire, en expression orale et en écriture. Inscrivez-vous maintenant et ouvrez des portes dans le monde entier !

Objectifs pédagogiques


Reflex'English Travel First - Grand débutant (A1/A1+)

Unit 1 - Welcome

• Saying hello and goodbye / Bonjour – au revoir
• Introducing yourself / Se présenter
• Asking about names and nationalities / Prénom, nom,
nationalité – questions
• Talking about where you live / Où habitez-vous ?
• Talking about what languages you speak / Quelles langues
parlez-vous ?
• Numbers from 0 to 10 / Nombres de 0 à 10
• Personal pronouns / Pronoms personnels
• Yes and no / Oui et non
• Basic questions / Questions simples
• In case of an emergency / En cas d’urgence
• Hello and goodbye / Bonjour et au revoir

Unit 2 - Jobs

• Asking about people and things / Questions à propos des
personnes et des objets
• Asking about jobs and nationalities / Questions à propos des
métiers et des nationalités
• Accepting proposals / Accepter des propositions
• Positive and negative statements / Phrases affirmatives et
• Definite and indefinte pronouns the/a / Les articles défini et
indéfini the/a
• Your family and you / Votre famille et vous
• Your home / Votre maison Plans / Projets
• Interests / Centres d’intérêt
• Education and occupation / Education et métier

Unit 3 - Directions

• Means of transport / Moyens de transport
• Shops and public places / Magasins et lieux publics Asking
about directions / Demander son chemin
• Answers to questions about place with this/that / Répondre
aux questions sur le lieu avec this/that
• Questions with do/does and have/has got / Questions avec
do/does et have/has got
• City transport (bus / coach, underground, taxi) / Transports
en commun (bus, métro, taxi)
• Train / Train
• Car (petrol station, breakdown, accident) / Voiture (stationservice, panne, accident)
• On the border / A la frontière
• Plane / Avion

Unit 4 - Restaurant

• A meal in a restaurant / Un repas au restaurant Cooking /
• Future tense expressions with will / Le futur avec will
• Describing amounts using some and any / La quantité avec
some et any
• Cardinal and ordinal numerals / Les nombres cardinaux et
• Personal and possessive pronouns / Pronoms personnels et
• Before you order / Avant la commande
• Ordering your meal / Passer commande
• Ordering drinks and desserts / Commander les boissons et les
• Conversations / Conversations
• Complaints / Réclamations

Unit 5 - Review Part 1

• Describing people / Décrire les gens
• Talking about jobs / Parler des métiers
• Talking about nationalities / Parler des nationalités
• Shops and public places / Magasins et lieux publics
• How to prepare a meal / Comment préparer un plat
• Getting information via the telephone / Se renseigner via le
• Hotel reservation / Réservation d’hôtel
• Calling a taxi / Appeler un taxi
• Emergency phone calls: Police, Ambulance / Appels d’urgence
: Police, Ambulance

Unit 6 - Money

• Talking about plans and needs / Parler des projets et des
• Advice, orders, proposals and protests / Conseils, ordres,
propositions et protestations
• Expressing interest using questions / Exprimer son intérêt
à l’aide de questions
• Money exchange, cashing cheques / Changer de l’argent,
encaisser des chèques
• Cardinal and ordinal numbers / Nombres cardinaux et
• Dates, meetings, events / Dates, réunions, événements
• Money / Argent
• Cheques, credit cards / Chèques, cartes de crédit
• Money exchange / Change
• Letters, postcards and other mail / Lettres, cartes postales
et autres courriers
• Telephone / Téléphone

Unit 7 - Hotel

• Journey / Voyage
• Getting information in a hotel / Se renseigner à l’hôtel
• Room reservation / Réserver une chambre
• Describing people and things / Description des personnes
et des objets
• Complaints and questions about the room service /
Réclamations et plaintes
• Present Perfect tense / le Present perfect
• Looking for accommodation / A la recherche d’un logement
• Hotel / Hôtel
• Youth hostel / Auberge de jeunesse
• Camping / Camping
• Getting information about the area / S’informer sur la région

Unit 8 - Places

• Shopping / Achats
• Asking for the price / Demander le prix
• Days of the week / Les jours de la semaine
• Health / Santé
• Making an appointment / Prendre rendez-vous
• Expressing preferences / Exprimer ses préférences
• Asking for the time / Demander l’heure
• Past Simple and Present Perfect / Passé simple et Present
• At the chemist’s / A la pharmacie
• Services (photographer, hairdresser) / Services (photographe,
• Clothes, shoes and accessories / Vêtements, chaussures et
• At the newsagent’s / Chez le marchand de journaux
• Food / Nourriture
• At the supermarket / Au supermarché

Unit 9 - Leisure

• Planing a trip and making reservations / Planifier un voyage
et effectuer des réservations
• Getting information in a tourist office / Obtenir des
informations à l’office du tourisme
• Expressing wishes / Exprimer ses souhaits
• Describing plans and intentions / Décrire ses projets et
• Negative statements / Phrases négatives
• Time expressions / Expressions temporelles
• Criticising / Critiquer
• Describing past event / Décrire des événements du passé
• Past Simple tense / Le Past Simple
• Television / Télévision
• On the beach / A la plage
• In the city / En ville
• Parlour games / Jeux de société
• Summer holidays / Vacances d’été
• Winter holidays / Vacances d’hiver
• Cinema and theatre / Cinéma et théâtre

Unit 10 - Review Part 2

• Talking about yourself and the others / Parler de soi-même
et des autres
• Shopping / Achats
• Hotel / A l’hôtel
• Questions and answers / Questions et réponses Time
expressions / Expressions temporelles
• Describing a sequence of actions / Décrire une suite d’actions
• Dates / Dates
• Time expressions: the past / Expressions temporelles : le
• Time expressions: the present / Expressions temporelles : le
• Time expressions: the future / Expressions temporelles : le
futur Asking the time / Demander l’heure
• Days of the week, seasons / Jours de la semaine, saisons
• Holidays / Jours fériés et fêtes

Reflex'English Level 1 (A2)

Lesson 1 - Starting out

• Singular personal subject pronouns
• Plural personal subject pronouns
• To be in simple present: affirmative and contracted form

Lesson 2 - Are you English?

• To be + nationality
• To be from + country
• To come from + country
• Countries
• Nationalities

Lesson 3 – To be…

• To be in the simple present: affirmative contracted form
• To be in the simple present: negative form
• To be + adjectives
• The alphabet
• Countries
• Everyday adjectives

Lesson 4 – …or note to be

• To be in the simple present – negative form: contraction of the verb
• To be in the simple present – negative form: contraction of not
• To be in the simple present: interrogative form
• To be from: country/city of origin
• The United Kingdom (UK) – Le Royaume-Uni

Lesson 5 - Starting out

Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 6 – What’s your name?

• Possessive adjectives
• Questions with what
• Asking for someone’s name
• Giving one’s name
• Asking questions
• Negative sentences in the simple present
• To have got in the simple present
• Simple present: negative and interrogative forms

• Family
• Nationalities
• Names

Lesson 7 – Numbers

• Numbers from 0 to 20, from 20 to 100, after 100
• Hundred, thousand, million
• 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th… 100th
• Particular forms
• Calculations, the four basic operations
• Around numbers
• Around first, second and third
• Indeterminate quantities

Lesson 8 – Other numbers

• After 100th, after 1000th
• Fractions
• Decimal point, comma
• Zero, nought, oh
• Percentages
• Phone numbers
• Years
• Phrases with percentages and fractions

Lesson 9 – Days, months and seasons

• Simple present
• To be in the simple past
• Time expressions with this, next, last
• Days of the week, months of the year, seasons
• Phrases with work and day
• Around time
• Around “to begin” and “to end”
• Temperatures (weather)
• Some important dates in the year (Christmas, Easter)

Lesson 10 – Test lessons 6 to 9

Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

Reflex'English Level 2 (B1)

Lesson 1 – Janice’s interview: Part 1

• “To be” in the simple present
• “To have” in the simple present
• Some prepositions: in, on, at or to?
• Adverbs of frequency
• Wh- question words

• Janice’s interview
• Review of Beginner Level

Lesson 2 – Janice’s interview: Part 2

• Some or any
• Comparative form
• Superlative form
• Possessive adjectives
• Possessive pronouns
• Prepositions of space
• Janice’s interview
• Review of Beginner Level

Lesson 3 – What do you do for a living?

• Asking and saying one’s job
• Asking questions in the simple present
• « To be » and affirmative short answers
• « To be » and negative short answers
• Simple present
• Jobs
• Job-related verbs

Lesson 4 – Job talk

• Simple present: use and construction
• Simple present questions with
wh- question words
• Closed questions and short answers with
« do » or « to be » in the simple present
• This and that
• Adjectives: « good » and « bad »
• Plurals
• Asking questions with « what »
• « To know » in the simple present
• « To do » as a verb
• Job talk
• In an office
• Computer
• Working hours
• Centres of
• Salary

Lesson 5 – Test lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 5 – Test lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 6 – What did you do yesterday?

• The simple past tense
• « To do » in the simple past
• « To be » in the simple past
• Simple past: regular verbs
• Simple past: irregular verbs

• Phrases with « to have »
• « To do » vs. « to make »

Lesson 7 – A short story: Slim Johnson robbed a bank

• Simple past: some regular verbs
• Simple past: some irregular verbs
• Simple past: asking questions
• A short story

Lesson 8 – What are you doing, Pete?

• Present participles
• The present continuous
• The present continuous: use
• The present continuous: questions
with prepositions
• The present continuous: particular
• Questions tags
• Sense verbs
• Around « to think »
• Questions with why
• Around « to feel »
and « to get »

Lesson 9 – It used to be different back then

• Structures with « used to »
• « Used to » and other tenses
• Past participles: regular and
irregular verbs
• Present perfect
• « Such » or « such a »
• « To be used to »,
« to be getting used to »
• Around « the sun »
• Around « agriculture »
• Comparing things

Lesson 10 – Test lessons 6 to 9

Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9 

Lesson 11 – How long ago was that?

• Since, for and ago
• Adverbs of place with -where
• The present perfect simple
• The past continuous
• The present perfect continuous
• That’s/It’s + adjective/noun + infinitive

• Interjections and
• At the doctor’s
• At the chemist’s

Lesson 12 – What do you enjoy doing?

• Expressing likes and dislikes
• Likes and dislikes followed by verbs + -ing
• Putting nuances in likes and dislikes
• To look forward to
• Either / or, neither / nor, not / either
• « To look » or « to watch »
• « So do I », « neither do I », « I do », « I don’t »
• All, every, each
• Spare time
• Around « spare »
• In the garden
• Some hobbies and interests
• Household chores
• Fish ‘n’ chips

Lesson 13 – What are you going to do?

• Pronouncing the letter « L »
• Talking about the future
• The future simple with « will »
• The near future with « be going to »
• Ever, never
• Type 1 conditional: the real future
• The verb « to explain »
• Modal verbs

• Cultural activities
• Legal system

Lesson 14 – The time

• The present conditional
• Type 2 conditional
• Hypotheses with « what if »
+ future or conditional
• Still
• Expressing wishes and regrets
• Reflexive pronouns
• Making suggestions

• What would you do?
• Talking about fear
• Quantifiers: talking
about parts
• Around « life »

Lesson 15 – Test lessons 11 to 14

Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

Lesson 16 – I need to make a phone call

• « To need »: modal and regular verb
• « Won’t + infinitive » – refusal to work
• Must or have to?


• The telephone
• Using the phone
• Town facilities
• To pay, to pay for

Lesson 17 – Dealing with phone conversations

• « To work » + prepositions
• Phone phrases
• Phone conversations
• Organizational chart and positions
• Company departments

Lesson 18 – British English versus American English

• Irregular verbs and regular verbs (GB) ≠ (US)
• Present perfect and simple past (GB) ≠ (US)
• Phrases with « to have » or « to take »
• Phrases with « to have » or « to have got »
• Different prepositions
• « Like » or « as »
• Writing dates
• Giving advice with « had better »
• Words ending in a vowel + -L
• Spelling differences
• Completely different words

Lesson 19 – Thanksgiving: an American tradition

• The passive voice (past, present, future)
• Compound adjectives
• The word « meat »: both countable and uncountable
• General knowledge: the USA
• Thanksgiving
• Holiday (GB) / Vacation (US)
• Animals and meat
• A song about New York

Lesson 20 – Test lessons 16 to 19

Review and Test of Lessons 16 to 19

Lesson 21 – You didn’t tell her, did you?

• Question tags
• Informal contractions

• Around « secrets and
suspicions »
• Around « mistake »
• Around « back »
• Around « unemployment »
• « On earth », « the hell »

Lesson 22 – She told me she was coming tonight

• Reported speech
• Present perfect vs. simple past
• Despite, in spite of, although,
even though
• Both or neither
• TV news
• Talking about injuries
• Around « to let »
• Verbs beginning with «
over »
• Around « sport »

Lesson 23 – UFO report

• Adjectives ending in -ish
• « Like » or « as »?
• Qualifying the size
• Expressing certainty
• Reported questions, requests and orders

• Outside news
• Around « hear »
• Around « fire brigade »

Lesson 24 – Weather and climate in the UK

• Talking about weather forecast
• Double comparative (the more…/the more…,
the less…/the less…)
• Weather idioms
• Weather and climate in the UK
• Around rain, clouds, cold, winds, temperature
• The compass rose
• Geography of the UK

Lesson 25 – Test lessons 21 to 24

Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24

Lesson 26 – Describing things

• Useful questions, order of adjectives
• Adverbs: « too » and « enough »
• Vague expressions
• Question tags: particular case
• Contractions of verbs
• Made of, from, out of, with
• Utility and functions: passive voice structures
• Passive voice with « to be made to do (something) »
• Paraphrasing

• Describing things
• Materials

Lesson 27 – Describing people

• Character and behaviour: opposite adjectives
• Compound adjectives
• Useful verbs: things you can do with your mouth
• Talking about character and behaviour
• Talking about age
• Around the face
• Talking about physical appearance
• Talking about height
• Talking about weight
• Describing hair
• Talking about complexion and skin

Lesson 28 – What would you have done?

• Past conditional
• Type III conditional: formation, use
• Type III conditional with modal verbs
• Type III conditional with « even if »
• To be able, can / could
• Expressing regrets in the past
• Conditional types: review
• At the meeting
• Around « to miss »
• Around « to bother »

Lesson 29 – Writing emails and letters

• Around « to write »
• Around emails
• Layout of emails
• Writing and sending an email
• Around regular mail
• Layout of a formal letter
• Opening salutations, complimentary closes
• The message of the lette

Lesson 30 – Test lessons 26 to 29

Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29

: Reflex'English Level 3 (B2/C1)

Lesson 01 - Chatting with people living in France: Janice

Asking for permission
Polite requests
The past tenses
Since, for, ago
Types of conditionals
Mixed conditionals

Review of pre-intermediate Level
Chatting with Janice
Northern Irish food
About Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland in the
20th century in short

Lesson 02 - Chatting with people living in France: Greg

Present simple
Simple past and past continuous
Describing a sequence of events
I, me, myself
Adjectives followed by prepositions
Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Too and enough

Question tags
Review of preintermediate Level
Chatting with Greg
Weather and climate
The climate in the USA
English as a global language

Lesson 03 - Chatting with people living in France: Mark

Adverbs: manner, place,
time, frequency
Verbs followed by prepositions
Prefixes and suffixes
Present continuous
Verbs of preference followed
by verbs + -ing or to + infinitive

Present perfect simple
Present perfect continuous
Review of pre-intermediate Level
Chatting with Mark
British cuisine

Lesson 04 - Whatever you say!

Ever and compounds
Emphasizing interrogative pronouns
Imperatives and negative imperatives
Verbs followed by gerunds or

Review of preintermediate Level
Illegal behaviour
About punctuality
Uncontrolled movements

Lesson 05 - Test Lessons 1 to 4

Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 06 - Writing a letter of complaint

Passive forms
« Used to » or « did not use to »
Tense review
Complaining about a damaged product
How to write an effective letter of complaint
Useful sentences and vocabulary in complaints
Phrases with “up to”
Around “to pick up”

Lesson 07 - Receiving a letter of complaint

Either, or, neither, nor, not either
Around “so far”
Imperatives with question tags
To remember vs. to remind
Still, already, yet, etc.
Tense review
Letter of complaint
Around “disappointment”
Around “to get”
Talking about responsibility
Around “bills”
From maker to user

Lesson 08 - Pronunciation: stress and linking

Word stress: one-syllable words
Word stress: two-syllable adjectives, nouns and verbs
Word stress: three-syllable words and over
Word stress: use of prefixes and suffixes
Linking words
Variability of English pronunciation

Lesson 09 - Tongue twisters: around phonetics and pronunciation

The 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds
Pronouncing the “th” letter group
Pronouncing the short and long “i” sounds
Pronouncing the “s”, “ch”, “tch”, “je”, “dje” sounds
Pronouncing the letter R or not
Pronouncing the letters W, V and F
Pronouncing the « ough » and « augh » letter groups
Tongue twisters

Lesson 10 - Test Lessons 6 to 9

Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

Lesson 11 - Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth

Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth
Literacy devices, figures of speech
Travel: at the airport
Around poems and poetry

Lesson 12 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 1

Connected speech in English
Stress placement in a sentence
Changes in pronunciation: contractions, elisions, assimilations,

Lesson 13 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 2

Connected speech in English
Changes in pronunciation: weak forms, linking

Lesson 14 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 3

Fast speech
Around “over”
Pronunciation of -ed endings
Around “word”
Around “yard”

Lesson 15 - Test Lessons 11 to 14

Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14 

Lesson 16 - Home conversation

Filler words
Must or have to: to express obligation
Sense verbs
Sense verbs: active or state verbs?
Double comparative in idioms
Phrasal verbs: to put
Phrasal verbs: to get
Situational ellipses
Textual ellipses
Ellipses and substitutions
Home conversation

Lesson 17 - Christmas Pudding - a British tradition

Some phrasal verbs: to cut, to stand, to turn
Imperatives: DOs and DON’Ts
Christmas Pudding
Weight measures
Weights in cooking
Liquid measures (volume)
Liquid measures in cooking
Measuring objects
Dried grapes
Cooking verbs

Lesson 18 - I’ll be at the beach hut

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Sense verbs
Structures followed by to-infinitives, bare infinitives and -ing forms
The present continuous infinitive, the perfect infinitive, the perfect
continuous infinitive
Choosing the correct relative pronoun
Who or whom with prepositions?
Some phrasal verbs: to keep, to go
Talking about the future
Passive forms
Holidays in Israel
Alone, by myself, on my own
Around “to lie”
Weather conditions: useful adjectives
To have + adjective + time

Lesson 19 - Seeing is believing

“Used to” to express a past habit
“Would” to express the past
Defining relative clauses
Non-defining relative clauses
Must have + past participle
Still and anymore
Famous make-believe characters
Some noises humans make
Around “to believe”, “to happen”, “to swear”
Around “mill”
Beliefs and superstitions in Scotland

Lesson 20 - Test Lessons 16 to 19

Review and Test of Lessons 14 to 19

Lesson 21 - On the roads of the United Kingdom

Asking for and giving directions: useful sentences
The imperative to give directions
Driving in the UK
Around cars: glossary
Driving glossary
Phrases related to driving and manoeuvres
Pedestrian crossings in the UK
Asking for and giving directions
Some road signs in the UK

Astronomy and the solar system: useful vocabulary Lesson 22 - The driving test

Here, there, over here, over there
One, ones
Phrasal verb “to run”
To get in or to get on a vehicle
Will for immediate intention
Closed questions, short answers
Some verbs with “over”
Phrasal verbs with “away”
Emphatic imperative
Taking the driving test in the UK
Road lane markings in the UK
Useful vocabulary: on the roads
Around “sight”
Around “speed”

Lesson 23 - The pub - a British way of life

Passive structures
Advanced passive structures with reporting verbs
Advanced passive structures with modals
Advanced passive structures with verbs followed by infinitives or
Conditional conjunctions
The pub: a British way of life
Pub culture
Drinks in a pub
Pub opening hours
Entertainment in a pub

Lesson 24 - Talking about the environment

Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of degree and adjectives
Adverbs of degree and adjectives: collocations
The environment: sources of energy
The environment: useful verbs
The environment: useful vocabulary
Environmental issues: lessening our carbon footprint

Lesson 25 - Test Lessons 21 to 24

Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24

Lesson 26 - Talking to Rachel

Question tags
Present perfect tense
Present perfect continuous tense
Still, anymore and no longer
“Do” as an auxiliary in affirmative sentences
Phrasal verbs with “up”
Matching adverbs and pronouns
Compass points
Around “odd”
Marketing and advertising: useful vocabulary
Around “joy”
Astronomy and the solar system: useful vocabulary

Lesson 27 - Talking to Rebecca

Used to
Causative structures
The past perfect simple
The past perfect continuous
Phrasal verbs with “back”
A bit of geography: England
Accents in England
Instruments and musicians
Types of music
Working hours and shifts

Lesson 28 - Talking to Scott

Separable or inseparable phrasal verbs
General knowledge: Scotland
Geography of Scotland
Symbols, traditions and famous Scots
Important dates in the history of Scotland
The Scottish economy
10 fun facts about Scotland

Lesson 29 - Talking to Wynne

Phrasal verbs with « up »
Phrasal verbs with « stand » and « run »
Formal subjunctive
General knowledge: Wales
Geography of Wales
Symbols and traditions in Wales
Famous Welsh people
Bad friends
Around « chip »
The history of Wales
The Welsh economy
10 fun facts about Wales

Lesson 30 - Test Lessons 26 to 29

Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29

Business writing

Lesson 01 ‐ What is a memo?

Description of a memo
Use of a memo
Memos vs. formal letters
Characteristics of a memo
The format of your memo ‐ the heading section
The format of your memo ‐ the body of the message
The style of your memo ‐ materials
The style of your memo ‐ types of memo

Lesson 02 ‐ Writing an effective business memo

Are memos still relevant today?
Memos vs. emails
How to write an effective memo
Tip No. 1 ‐ Know your audience
Tip No. 2 ‐ Clearly state the purpose of your memo
Tip No. 3 ‐ Plan before you take action
Tip No. 4 ‐ Present the main point first
Tip No. 5 ‐ Enclose only appropriate information
Tip No. 6 ‐ Proofread the memo
Tip No. 7 ‐ Read your memo out loud
The ultimate checklist

Lesson 03 ‐ Useful sentences to open an email

Writing emails
Opening salutations
Copying someone in on your email
Forwarding an email
Friendly start
Referring to previous contact or meeting
Saying thank you
Stating the reason for writing the email
Following up a previous exchange
Apologising for the delay of the reply

Lesson 04 ‐ Useful sentences to write the main body of the email

Writing emails
Attaching a document to your email
Additional elements and important information
Requests and enquiries
Asking for clarifications
Giving information
Getting and giving approval
Making or changing arrangements
Making complaints
Giving bad news

Lesson 05 ‐ Useful sentences to close an email

Writing closing lines
Offering further help or information
Expecting a reply
Mentioning the next contact
Expressing thanks
Apologising once again
Social closing lines
Complimentary closes

Lesson 06 ‐ Writing effective emails

About emails
Using an email programme
Basic structure of an email
Tip N°1 ‐ Identify the purpose of the email
Tip N°2 ‐ Identify your audience
Tip N°3 ‐ Have a compelling subject line
Tip N°4 ‐ Start with an appropriate greeting
Tip N°5 ‐ Keep your message short and concise
Tip N°6 ‐ Pay attention to the tone of your email
Tip N°7 ‐ Be consistent with your font
Tip N°8 ‐ Write a simple closing
Tip N°9 ‐ Proofread and follow up
Tip N°10 ‐ Differences GB/US English

Lesson 07 ‐ Types of Business letters

What is a business letter?
Cover letters
Letters of recommendation
Follow‐up letters
Letters of resignation
Termination letters
Invitation letters
Letters of complaint
Apology letters
Sales letters
Order letters
Letters of thanks
Request letters
Inquiry Letters

Lesson 08 ‐ Writing effective business letters

Sending a letter by post
The appropriate format: heading, main body, ending
The appropriate spacing and font
The appropriate style
Writing business letters

Lesson 09 ‐ Useful vocabulary to write a business report

Writing business reports
Useful linking words
Useful vocabulary
Beginning the report
The structure of the report
Methodology and findings
Expressing opinions
Reporting what was said
Comparing elements
Giving examples
Drawing conclusions from the report
Giving recommendations

Lesson 10 ‐ Writing effective business reports

What is a business report?
Who and what are business reports for?
The different types of business reports
The structure of a report
Useful tips to write a business report
Writing effective business reports
Business writing ‐ Conclusion